April 2019 Freelance Woman of the Month

Christine Seibold

CEO of Freelance N’ Freedom – Virtual Project Management/Virtual AssistantChristine2

Christine Seibold had grown sick of the 9-5 grind. She had finished her master’s degree and had a lot of time on her hands and she really wanted to travel more. So, she decided it was time to strike out on her own and become a freelancer. Of course, Christine didn’t leave her 9-5 job right away. She wanted to keep that financial stability while she grew her new freelance business, so she worked part-time for a year before she was ready to let go of her job.

How did Christine know freelancing while traveling was an option? She searched Facebook groups and found that a lot of people younger than she had started their own businesses and were traveling the world. Their experiences gave her the confidence to do it herself. Christine initially found her work through the Upwork platform, but now she only has one client on Upwork – the rest come through word-of-mouth.

It has been 6 months since Christine left her job. Since then, Christine has move from Boston to Miami so she can avoid those cold northern winters. She has been enjoying working as a full-time freelancer while traveling to places all over the world and taking in new cultures. All she needs is a WiFi connection and she can work from anywhere, which is great because the thing she likes least about freelancing is working from home alone all the time. When she’s not traveling, Christine makes sure she gets out of the house a few times a week to grab a coffee and socialize.

The top piece of advice Christine has for women in freelancing?

Try to start part-time if possible and learn as you go. That way you are still earning your full-time salary. Believe in yourself because you are a lot smarter than you think. Don’t be afraid to try new things.

Some extra tips Christine has for freelancers:

  • Set boundaries from Day 1 – with self, with clients, with work time vs. family time.
  • Figure out what your passion is.
  • Figure out what problem you can solve as a business owner.
  • Make a budget – can you afford to freelance and live life the way you want?
  • Ask yourself what kind of work you want to do – such as writing, accounting, graphic design. Is it flexible or are there lots of deadlines?

You can learn more about Christine at:


FB/IG: @freelancenfreedom

Travel IG: @blondie_without_borders

Email: [email protected]





About Me


My name is Karen and I have been a full-time freelance writer for over 13 years. I have had ups and downs, more downs earlier on, but definitely more ups these days. I want to share my experience with other women in freelancing and create a community in which we can support each other, vent when we need to, ask questions, give advice, and generally lift each other up.

In addition to my freelance writing career, I am also a single mom of two teenagers and I am studying screenwriting part-time. I foster cats, love to read, and work part-time at our local bookstore, just to get out of the house a few hours a week and interact with people in the non-virtual sense.

I look forward to getting to know you and hope you will follow my Facebook page at https://www.facebook.com/FeministFreelancer and follow this blog. I want conversations to happen! Let’s do this!

Cheers, Karen